There will be a instructions for the game.
Instructor: Eric Yang
TA: Jonathan Newman
"Team" Name: Water Studio
"Team" Members:
Walter Xu ( All content creator )
The initial game file is created in UE5. Some basic features were completed tested and installed, including adding characters, binding preset movement animations, adding blueprints to control character movement, objects that are interactive (picked up and anchored to the character model), and more.
Engine Selection & Test
Initially I struggled with the choice of game engine. As I had already completed two Unity projects and I wanted to apply even better lighting and rendering to this project, I was more inclined to use UE5, although Jonathan suggested that using a familiar engine making life easier, especially I'm working alone.
I still wanted to test the possibilities of UE5 and I got up to speed with it in the shortest time possible, completing some basic functionality. I think UE5 left a good impact on me, and even though I found that there aren't a lot of tutorials on Youtube for a particular feature, I was still able to get something out of it. The blueprint feature simplifies C++ programming, but is still a challenge. In a comprehensive evaluation, I think UE5 can be used as a game engine for this project.
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